Kanye West's Douchiest Moments
October 10th, 2014
Kanye is known for his... confidence. Sometimes, that confidence evolves into.. uhh.. dare I say cockiness? Here are his top 5 douchiest moments.
Kanye is known for his... confidence. Sometimes, that confidence evolves into.. uhh.. dare I say cockiness? Here are his top 5 douchiest moments.
5. Bonnaroo 2008
If you don't know about this, well, here's the gist of it. Kanye was late. So late that he started his set at 4:30.. in the morning. Of course, it wasn't Kanye's fault, and he went on a rampage blaming everyone but himself. He even went as far as calling someone "SQUID BRAINS." Yep, that was the worst he could come up with.