The 10 Types of Girls To Avoid During Spring Break
March 8th, 2017
Nathan Kurtin
Spring break is undoubtedly the best week of every school year. Beer, beaches, and babes for an entire week of no holding back. It's not always all fun and games, though, and boys and girls alike should be wary of these ten types of girls that you will inevitably meet during your spring break. Stay away. You've been warned.
Nathan Kurtin
Spring break is undoubtedly the best week of every school year. Beer, beaches, and babes for an entire week of no holding back. It's not always all fun and games, though, and boys and girls alike should be wary of these ten types of girls that you will inevitably meet during your spring break. Stay away. You've been warned.
10. The Party Girl
This is the girl you usually meet for the first time on the beach; she is seen going up to random people striking up a conversation. She usually laughs at all of your jokes even when they aren’t funny and is engaged in any conversation you have. The Party Girl usually knows all the fun places to hangout and has all the details of the party.
9. The Girl With A Selfie Stick
Honestly, this really does not need much explaining. Girls wear fanny packs all the time during spring break, and that is understandable. What is not understandable is if she uses up that valuable fanny pack space to bring a selfie stick. Like one, they're lame enough. And two, at spring break, really?