Top 10 Most Sexually Active Colleges in America
Yes, there are plenty of important things to consider when picking what college you'll spend four (or more) prime years of your youth at. We’ve given you the smartest colleges, the most beautiful colleges, the top party schools, and even the ones with the best food. But we all know the topics that you want to read. Which colleges have the most sex? Well, here you go. The top ten schools in America where you're most likely to get laid.
6. University of California, Santa Barbara The University of California Santa Barbara, whose initials could also mean the University of Casual Sex and Beer, is exactly that. Here in the amorous Californian weather, no one is looking for much more than a one night stand, and it’s become pretty accepted. Students at UCSB love sex and don’t care who knows. It’s probably a pretty big factor in why they are also ranked really high in Princeton’s Happiest Students, and also 5th on our list of best party schools.