Every Sh*tty Thing That Happened in 2016
December 27th, 2016
By Eli Solidum
We all know that 2016 has not been the best of years. From heartbreaking tragedies and devastating terrorist attacks to polarizing political occurrences and notable deaths, it has just been a rough year for everyone involved. Thankfully, the year is wrapping up and one could only hope that 2017 is a much better year. However, a painful December hasn’t exactly shown that the terrible events plan on stopping anytime soon. The crashed Russian plane, the unexpected deaths of George Michael, Craig Sager, and Carrie Fisher are all fresh in our minds as 2016 proves to be relentless until the very end. Looking back on the year, you might have forgotten some of the other events that have taken place, so here’s a year-end recap. 2016, you have been exceptionally upsetting.
By Eli Solidum
We all know that 2016 has not been the best of years. From heartbreaking tragedies and devastating terrorist attacks to polarizing political occurrences and notable deaths, it has just been a rough year for everyone involved. Thankfully, the year is wrapping up and one could only hope that 2017 is a much better year. However, a painful December hasn’t exactly shown that the terrible events plan on stopping anytime soon. The crashed Russian plane, the unexpected deaths of George Michael, Craig Sager, and Carrie Fisher are all fresh in our minds as 2016 proves to be relentless until the very end. Looking back on the year, you might have forgotten some of the other events that have taken place, so here’s a year-end recap. 2016, you have been exceptionally upsetting.
2016 started off by taking away some of the world's most loved characters. On January 10th, David Bowie, the flamboyant pop star who captivated a galaxy was called home to the stars. He died of cancer at age 69. Beloved actor Alan Rickman, famed for his role as Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films, also died of cancer at age 69 on January 14th. These two deaths immediately started a promising 2016 off to a sour note. The Zika virus, while no longer considered a global threat, was formally announced as an outbreak by the World Health Organization in January, creating panic surrounding the Olympic games taking place in Rio de Janeiro later this year. February ISIS' reign of terror throughout the Middle East saw many devastating acts of terrorism this year. Several resulted in hundreds of deaths, including a February attack in Damascus, Syria that killed 140 people. Controversial Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died on February 13th at the age of 79 after serving on the Supreme Court since 1986. His death lead to a political tug-of-war as President Obama sought to fill his place but Republicans refused to vote until the next president was elected. To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee also passed away in February at the age of 89. Oh, and NASA officially declared February 2016 to be the hottest recorded February in history. While 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history, 2016 is expected to be even hotter.