21 People With Bigger Balls Than You
April 9th, 2014
By Eli Solidum
These guys have to be at least a little bit crazy, because no one in their right minds would willingly do any of this. They get my respect, but I'll watch from afar.
By Eli Solidum
These guys have to be at least a little bit crazy, because no one in their right minds would willingly do any of this. They get my respect, but I'll watch from afar.
9. Livin' on the Edge
Whenever I'd fall off my bike, my dad always said to just get back up. This probably isn't the case because odds are you wouldn't survive if you fell off your bike in this situation. That's a pretty long, steep, rocky fall to the bottom. But hey, what's important is that they've got their helmets on. In this particular case, it looks like it'll do about as much good as wearing your seatbelt as your plane is about to crash into the ground.