The 8 Colleges Your Parents DON'T Want You To Go To
February 27th, 2017
College is great because you get to be an unemployed alcoholic and also have your parents funding your shenanigans, while being proud of you at the same time. If you go to any of these schools, just make sure to leave out your stories of your drunken misadventures when they inevitably call to ask "so how's college?"
College is great because you get to be an unemployed alcoholic and also have your parents funding your shenanigans, while being proud of you at the same time. If you go to any of these schools, just make sure to leave out your stories of your drunken misadventures when they inevitably call to ask "so how's college?"
2. Florida State University
Florida State is straight-up the capital of partying. Don’t expect to get anything remotely educational done during football season, unless you consider tailgating and day-drinking to be an educational experience. At Florida State, they definitely do, which is why your parents totally don’t want their little angel going here.