6 Craziest Things Actors Did To Prepare For A Role
October 28th, 2015
David Palmer
In the latest edition of “Leonardo DiCaprio’s Attempt to Finally Win an Oscar,” the actor slept in animal carcasses and ate raw bison liver for his role in “The Revenant.” So that got us thinking: what are the craziest things actors have done to get into character for and during a film? Does Leo even come close to the most insane? Well enough rhetorical questions, let’s get right to it!
David Palmer
In the latest edition of “Leonardo DiCaprio’s Attempt to Finally Win an Oscar,” the actor slept in animal carcasses and ate raw bison liver for his role in “The Revenant.” So that got us thinking: what are the craziest things actors have done to get into character for and during a film? Does Leo even come close to the most insane? Well enough rhetorical questions, let’s get right to it!
3. Jared Leto: Chapter 27 and Dallas Buyer's Club
Much like Christian Bale (and another nameless actor who will appear later on this list), Jared Leto is a method actor who is willing to do anything, including insane weight changes, to prepare for a role. To play John Lennon’s killer, Mark David Chapman in “Chapter 27,” Leto put on 67 pounds by eating microwaved pints of ice cream mixed with soy sauce and olive oil every night. This is after he had gone on an extreme diet to portray a drug addict in “Requiem for a Dream.” When the role of Chapman didn’t land him any awards, Leto decided to flip the script and lose weight, dropping 40 pounds to play an HIV-infected patient in “Dallas Buyers Club.” Maybe he and McConaughey, who also underwent extreme weight loss for his role, shared some tips and pointers—and then laughed about it in DiCaprio’s face after both winning Oscars in their first attempts. |