6 Craziest Things Actors Did To Prepare For A Role
October 28th, 2015
David Palmer
In the latest edition of “Leonardo DiCaprio’s Attempt to Finally Win an Oscar,” the actor slept in animal carcasses and ate raw bison liver for his role in “The Revenant.” So that got us thinking: what are the craziest things actors have done to get into character for and during a film? Does Leo even come close to the most insane? Well enough rhetorical questions, let’s get right to it!
David Palmer
In the latest edition of “Leonardo DiCaprio’s Attempt to Finally Win an Oscar,” the actor slept in animal carcasses and ate raw bison liver for his role in “The Revenant.” So that got us thinking: what are the craziest things actors have done to get into character for and during a film? Does Leo even come close to the most insane? Well enough rhetorical questions, let’s get right to it!
6. Adrien Brody: The Pianist
Brody is one of those actors that some people may be shocked to learn has an Oscar, but he does, and he was the youngest person ever to win a Best Actor statue at age 29. To prepare for his role as a Jew who has lost everything and is on the run in Nazi Germany, Brody sold almost all his belongings, including his New York City apartment. He also stopped using phones, broke up with his girlfriend and moved to Europe with only two bags of clothes and a keyboard. Dumping your girlfriend I can understand, but going without a cell phone? Nah, fam. Count me out.