How To Get The Fattest Burrito Bowl Possible At Chipotle
May 20, 2016
Ever finish a burrito bowl and still feel unsatisfied? Same. All the freakin’ time. I know the Chipotle workers have their guidelines but do you ever feel a twinge of sorrow when you feel slighted on your scoop of meat or you pay extra for guac only to get a dribble? Worry no more. We’ve rounded up SIX absolute must-follow tips for you to get the fattest burrito bowl possible.
Ever finish a burrito bowl and still feel unsatisfied? Same. All the freakin’ time. I know the Chipotle workers have their guidelines but do you ever feel a twinge of sorrow when you feel slighted on your scoop of meat or you pay extra for guac only to get a dribble? Worry no more. We’ve rounded up SIX absolute must-follow tips for you to get the fattest burrito bowl possible.