Top 10 Party Schools In America
Picking your home for the next four years is a difficult decision that takes a lot of time and consideration, but let's face it. Partying is a huge factor in college. If you like to party, these ten colleges do it way, way bigger than the rest.
6. University of Florida
This university has basically every kind of party imaginable. Just try to find out where the music is bumping, grab a beer or twenty and you are set to have a good time. There’s always something to do and you’ll always have something to celebrate as they usually have some of the most competitive college sports teams in the nation. 5. University of California- Santa Barbara
Number five goes to the one and only University of California-Santa Barbara. What do all of these kids living in paradise with the ocean down the street have in common? They are all about having a good time. The people here party like it is a part of their religion. There’s always something going on with a bunch of Cali babes getting absolutely shwasted at the University of Casual Sex and Beer. 4. Syracuse
'Syracuse is your best bet for getting a well-balanced college experience of academics, athletics, and alcoholics. Strong school spirit, active Greek Life, and plenty of beer to go around makes Syracuse a great school for the party-loving college student. Nothing much else to say here. Party on, Cuse. |