Top 8 Saddest Movie Deaths
By Eli Solidum
March 7th, 2014
Death happens so often in movies that sometimes they don't even faze us anymore. But every once in a while, there are those that not only tug on our heartstrings, but just rip it out of their cavities and tear it to shreds. Here are 8 of those.
(Obviously some spoilers ahead.)
March 7th, 2014
Death happens so often in movies that sometimes they don't even faze us anymore. But every once in a while, there are those that not only tug on our heartstrings, but just rip it out of their cavities and tear it to shreds. Here are 8 of those.
(Obviously some spoilers ahead.)
1. Ellie, Up
Well... Here we are. Carl and Ellie had one of the sweetest romances ever. Unfortunately, sweet romances also have tragic endings. Their lifelong dream vacation had finally become a reality before Ellie suddenly becomes sick and dies. Their love story is one that is shockingly sincere and real, especially coming from a movie about a man who travels the world by tying balloons to his house. You'd be lying if you said you didn't shed a tear or two during this movie. Didn't like the list? Add your own votes and movies to the widget below and leave your comments in the boxes below! Comment Box is loading comments...
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