14 People Who Reached A New Level of Friendzone
May 26th, 2014
Most guys know the feeling of being friendzoned. It's a sad and painful experience, but you'll recover. Unfortunately for these fourteen guys, I don't think there's no way back from these harsh new levels of friendzone they have achieved.
Most guys know the feeling of being friendzoned. It's a sad and painful experience, but you'll recover. Unfortunately for these fourteen guys, I don't think there's no way back from these harsh new levels of friendzone they have achieved.
13. The Blur Zone
Dear sweet Jesus, please bless this young child who was just done so wrong. She did him too dirty. She just flat-out blurred him out. His hand was right there. He was so close... So close.. Then she just turned him into some watercolor painting and put it on Facebook. She got 60 likes for his pain and suffering. Girls are too brutal. |