14 People Who Reached A New Level of Friendzone
May 26th, 2014
Most guys know the feeling of being friendzoned. It's a sad and painful experience, but you'll recover. Unfortunately for these fourteen guys, I don't think there's no way back from these harsh new levels of friendzone they have achieved.
Most guys know the feeling of being friendzoned. It's a sad and painful experience, but you'll recover. Unfortunately for these fourteen guys, I don't think there's no way back from these harsh new levels of friendzone they have achieved.
12. The Friend-Gagement Ring Zone
Oh man. Now this poor guy is holding back tears typing out that Facebook comment. Poor guy dropped racks to propose to her. Even dropped the extra bands to engrave their names on the rings. She just turned that engagement ring into a friendgagement ring. She probably called him "bro" too and gave him a friendship hug. Maybe even a kiss on a cheek. There is no mercy out here in this cruel world. |