Barney Stinson's Best Moments
March 29th, 2014
By David Palmer
Even though How I Met Your Mother is about Ted Mosby and him finding his the love of his life, let’s be honest: the best part of the show is Barney Stinson, played fantastically by Neil Patrick Harris. From his catchphrases to his suits to his women, Barney is what makes How I Met Your Mother so great, and it will be a sad day when he walks into the sunset. Here are the top 5 Barney Stinson moments, with honorable mention going to his relationship-proof apartment and ducky tie/slap bets with Marshall.
By David Palmer
Even though How I Met Your Mother is about Ted Mosby and him finding his the love of his life, let’s be honest: the best part of the show is Barney Stinson, played fantastically by Neil Patrick Harris. From his catchphrases to his suits to his women, Barney is what makes How I Met Your Mother so great, and it will be a sad day when he walks into the sunset. Here are the top 5 Barney Stinson moments, with honorable mention going to his relationship-proof apartment and ducky tie/slap bets with Marshall.
2. Photographs
If you’re like me, you’re not good at taking pictures. Either you smile too big and look like a serial killer, or your eyes are too squinty and you look baked out your mind (my driver’s license photo is the epitome of awkward). Barney Stinson doesn’t have this problem. As demonstrated in Season 5, Episode 18, Barney cannot take a bad picture. In fact his has the same pose in every single photo he has ever taken. A determined Robin tries to get a bad photograph of him, but even when he has his jacket off or is bending over, he still manages to be smirking at the camera with his hand on his tie. That is until Robin spikes his dip with cilantro, which Barney is allergic to, and he sneezes, finally giving a bad shot. Only a few hundred more ugly photos and Barney will catch up to me.
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