10 Insane Facts That Show How Big The Pokemon Go Craze Really Is
July 17th, 2016
By Eli Solidum
Pokemon Go has millions of people across the world going crazy. How big is this cultural phenomenon really? From number of users to daily revenue, here are some insane facts you probably didn't know.
By Eli Solidum
Pokemon Go has millions of people across the world going crazy. How big is this cultural phenomenon really? From number of users to daily revenue, here are some insane facts you probably didn't know.
10. It only took 13 hours to reach the top of the App Store Most games and popular mobile applications take weeks or months to garner attention from audiences. The day Pokemon Go launched, it only took thirteen hours to surpass all other app downloads. What's crazy is that it is getting bigger. It might soon eclipse all social media usage and it has only been around for about ten days. 9. It is poised to overtake Twitter in terms of active users Yesterday, my friend deleted Tinder to finally make room to download Pokemon Go. He doesn't seem to be the only one as Pokemon Go has already demolished Tinder in terms of active users. I guess people would rather catch Pokemon than catch STDs. But that's Tinder, right? There's no way Pokemon Go could overtake the giants like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter! Well, according to statistics, 3.5% of Android users use Twitter daily, while already 3% use Pokemon Go daily. Recent data has not been gathered, but assuming that it is similar for Apple iPhone users, that gives a glimpse of how big this craze is getting. 8. Nintendo's Stock Jumped 23% Following Its Release Not since the 80's has Nintendo seen a jump that big. The gaming giant has been involved with Pokemon for decades, and the early Pokemon games played on handheld Nintendo devices have been a staple part of millions of kids' childhoods worldwide. As a result of Pokemon Go, about $7.5 billion has been added to Nintendo's market value. 7. Daily Time Spent on Pokemon Go Is Almost Twice as Much as Snapchat or Instagram The average Pokemon Go player is on the app for 43 minutes a day. Compared to the average Snapchat user who only spends 22 minutes a day on Snapchat, and the average Instagram user who spends 25 minutes a day on the app, this is a huge difference. WhatsApp is second at 30 minutes, showing how far Pokemon go has distanced itself from the pack. |