A Ryan Gosling Look-Alike Made A Trailer For A Sequel to Drive Called The Uber Years and it is Glorious.
May 19th, 2016
Don't you ever wish you looked exactly like Ryan Gosling? Well, Joey Thompson got just that, and he was blessed with being a creativity and an awesome sense of humor. This guy took looking like Ryan Gosling to a whole new level. A level so high that people are demanding that this sequel actually be made.
Don't you ever wish you looked exactly like Ryan Gosling? Well, Joey Thompson got just that, and he was blessed with being a creativity and an awesome sense of humor. This guy took looking like Ryan Gosling to a whole new level. A level so high that people are demanding that this sequel actually be made.
Joey and company made a trailer to the Ryan Gosling movie Drive called Drive 2: The Uber Years where Gosling has given up a life of crime to pursue a more honest living: an Uber driver. It explores the trials and tribulations of being an Uber driver, from turning down dates during peak hours to making below minimum wage. It is amazing. Watch the full video below!
I'm not sure what it is about this trailer that makes me want to actually watch a movie about Uber drivers, but it just goes to show people will watch anything if Ryan Gosling is in it... even if it's not the real thing.