Top 10 Most Sexually Active Colleges in America
Yes, there are plenty of important things to consider when picking what college you'll spend four (or more) prime years of your youth at. We’ve given you the smartest colleges, the most beautiful colleges, the top party schools, and even the ones with the best food. But we all know the topics that you want to read. Which colleges have the most sex? Well, here you go. The top ten schools in America where you're most likely to get laid.
1. Arizona State University Did you expect to see anyone else at the top of this list? Didn't think so. As one of the top party schools in the entire world, Arizona State University is just a cut above the rest. You can't imagine there is much to do in the desert heat besides take off your clothes and screw like desert rabbits. With probably one of the most attractive student bodies in the country, ASU is your go-to for all your desires. They just barely missed being our top party school and our top college town, but they make up for it here. You might also like: The Worst College Majors The Highest-Paying College Majors The Top 10 Colleges With The Hottest Girls The Most Beautiful Colleges in America The Best College Towns in America The Top 25 Smartest Colleges in America Top 10 Coolest College Dorms The 7 Craziest Frat Parties of All Time The Colleges That Have The Most STDs The 8 Colleges Your Parents DON'T Want You To Go To |