Top 6 Most Badass Presidents
March 1st, 2017
By David Palmer
America has had its share of cool presidents in its 239 years on this earth, but there are some that are just simply badass. From Teddy Roosevelt to Andrew Jackson, there are some Leaders of the Free World that really seem too awesome to have been suit-wearing politicians. So here is a list of the most badass U.S. Presidents of all-time, something they really should start incorporating into high school history classes.
By David Palmer
America has had its share of cool presidents in its 239 years on this earth, but there are some that are just simply badass. From Teddy Roosevelt to Andrew Jackson, there are some Leaders of the Free World that really seem too awesome to have been suit-wearing politicians. So here is a list of the most badass U.S. Presidents of all-time, something they really should start incorporating into high school history classes.
1. Andrew Jackson
Say what you will about this Indian-hater (and most of it would probably be just), but the man may have been the toughest SOB who ever lived. Jackson is rumored to have taken part in over 100 duels, which means over 100 times he hated another man so much he thought that he needed to die. In one particular duel, Jackson challenged a man named Charles Dickinson, but since dueling was illegal in Tennessee, the two traveled to Kentucky. HE LITERALLY TRAVELED TO A DIFFERENT STATE JUST TO SHOOT A MAN. When the duel began, Jackson let Dickinson shoot first (because, badass), and he was shot in the stomach. Despite this, Jackson then proceeded to shoot Dickinson in his own stomach, a wound from which he would die from later that day. Jackson never had his stomach bullet removed, and carried it around with him for the remaining 40 years of his life. Jackson was also the target of the first-ever assassination attempt on a U.S. President (which is badass in its own right). A man named Richard Lawrence walked right up to Jackson and shot at him, but his gun misfired. He then pulled out a second pistol (because he had heard how hard it was to kill Andrew Jackson) which also misfired. Jackson then proceeded to beat Lawrence mercilessly with his cane until his entourage restrained him. The craziest part: both pistols were tested numerous times and every single time they fired perfectly. Best Quote: “John Calhoun, if you secede from my nation I will secede your head from the rest of your body.” -Jackson to John C. Calhoun, who proposed South Carolina leave the United States.