7 Best Ab Workouts to Sculpt Your Body
March 21st, 2014
Crunches and sit-ups are so overrated. Here are 7 ab workouts that will blast the fat much more effectively than the old-fashioned workouts they made you do in middle school phys. ed.
Crunches and sit-ups are so overrated. Here are 7 ab workouts that will blast the fat much more effectively than the old-fashioned workouts they made you do in middle school phys. ed.
6. Leg Lifts
Exactly what it sounds like, leg lifts are a simple way to tone your abs. Just lay on the ground and bring your legs up to make a 90 degree angle with your body, or as close as you can to one. Then bring them back down without letting them touch the ground. Repeat this process for a simple but efficient way to sculpt your abs.
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