Most Haunted Colleges in America
June 3rd, 2014
College can be a scary time for students... Literally. There are thousands of places considered to be haunted in the world, and colleges are no exception. Maybe you're even going to one of these colleges next year, so choose carefully. If you do go to one of these colleges, you are a braver person than I.
College can be a scary time for students... Literally. There are thousands of places considered to be haunted in the world, and colleges are no exception. Maybe you're even going to one of these colleges next year, so choose carefully. If you do go to one of these colleges, you are a braver person than I.
4. University of Illinois
Most of the ghosts and spirits described in the previous colleges have been harmless or just neglect the residents of the college. Not the faceless man who terrorizes the University of Illinois. A female student was the first to report the sighting of a man in a grey uniform that did not have a face. Soon after, more sightings occurred. A student was then found hung dead in his closet, and another one found stripped naked, also hanging from his closet, but fortunately still alive.The same night, several terrified students reported being awoken by a man standing over them, who would then disappear into the closet. No one has been able to explain or identify this faceless man. |