The Eight Professors You Meet in College
Last updated January 13th, 2018
By Eli Solidum
Regardless of what college you go to or what classes you take, you will encounter teachers that will fall into these categories. It never fails.
By Eli Solidum
Regardless of what college you go to or what classes you take, you will encounter teachers that will fall into these categories. It never fails.
1. The One Who Loves Their Job
This is the polar opposite of the previous teacher. I can’t say enough about this teacher. They come to class with a smile every day, get to know their students, and do their absolute best to ignite a passion for learning in their class. They care about learning, not about grades. They truly love what they teach, and know their subject like the back of their hand, but don’t act like they know everything. They are open to new opinions, values, and findings. This teacher will cry on the last day of class because they’ll miss you, and you’ll cry back. This is the teacher that will make up for all of the other shitty professors you’ve had. They gave you knowledge, but they gave way, way more than just that. They gave you a meaningful experience that leaves you with a newfound inspiration and passion. And for teachers like this, we are infinitely grateful.